
Best Items To Shoplift And Resell

Last Updated on May 7, 2021 by Mikebush The Rich Lazy Asshole

In this article, I will show you some cool tricks on how to shoplift expensive items from any store without getting caught. The fear of anybody looking to make some quick bucks from shoplifting items from a store and reselling for a lower or higher amount is the fear of being caught. I have some cool ways I did it in the past so that I will show you. Whether you need an iPhone, a new LCD TV, a new Mac Laptop, or even an expensive Jacket for winter, here are the perfect ways to shoplift them.

How to shoplift without getting caught is by picking many items, and on your way to the checkout, you hide some items and pay for the others. The CCTV won't capture those moments because you already paid for the "seen" items.

There is the last hurdle to cross for everyone reading this piece, and that is, "what happens if you get caught?" I have two suggestions for you;

  • Act like it was a mistake, and you forgot to pay for it
  • Pay for it when you are caught.

Whichever one you intend to do when you get caught is fine. But my rule says "never get caught," and it is straightforward.

It is only when you get careless that you are caught shoplifting an expensive item in a local store with few security cameras. As long as you are still in the shop, no one should know what you've done. They might only see after you've left and moved away from the location.

Here are some quick tips to avoid getting caught while shoplifting from any store. Make sure you keep to the rules.

Tips to Shoplift Expensive items successfully.

If you want to be successful during and after shoplifting, then you have to use these tips. Even with how to shoplift expensive items I will outline for you, any mistake will get you caught – I guess you want to avoid that. Here are the tips;

Always go in Two's

image of someone shoplifting expensive items

Always go with a partner.

Having someone always to watch your back during shoplifting is dope. If you go in alone, you might not carry out a clean operation and get things done.

I suggest you go in two's; while one of you does the shoplifting, the other person distracts any watching eyes from your circle.

Go for small, expensive items.

I guess it is easier to steal a golden wristwatch than to steal a 52-inches T.V. Now that you know this, it is better to aim for something you can easily hide down your pants and dash off the showroom than getting caught over something bogus.

So when it comes to shoplifting expensive items, I suggest you make do with something tiny, small, but costly. You can even steal a diamond – if you come in contact with one.

Scan your environment

To shoplift expensive items means no one can see you during and after the process. Just before you make a mistake, getting caught can get you 2-years in federal jail. So make sure you leave no stone unturned while trying to run your show.

Check if the store has a security guard

Several store attendants


Make sure you check for anything that can or would implicate you during the exercise.

Don't come in once with your partner.

So I guess you and your partner want to make money stealing from stores, right? The first rule is, don't come into the store together because you will attract attention.

Once you guys have attracted attention, it would be difficult to carry out any heist successfully.

Leave once eyes are on you.

Once you've attracted attention, it is time to say goodbye and leave. Don't go together because you might be stopped for further interrogation – which could be embarrassing.

One person should exit the store, and the other pretends to receive a call and leave too. It becomes quite simple and effortless.

So now you've got the best tips to successfully steal expensive items from a store; what are the ways to execute them?

Go for Small-Sized Items

If you must succeed in shoplifting items, make sure to target small-sized items such as wristwatches, diamond rings, etc.

On a few occasions, I have witnessed shoplifters target larger items, and they end up getting caught by the police with the aid of CCTV cameras.

Ways to Shoplift Expensive Items from any Store (Walmart, etc.)

Here are some of the popular ways I executed mine when I was still living in Orlando in Florida in the United States of America. I was a frequent visitor to Walmart, and I never got caught until I left for Germany.

It worked for me, so I guess it should work for you too. If you want to make money stealing from stores, then take these strategies seriously.

Here's what I did; I steal from a store and resell higher online. I had a warehouse of several goods I shoplifted from several stores across the US.

Well, here are some of my strategies.

how to shoplift expensive items from a store

A dude busy shoplifting

The Drag and Replace Strategy

Now, this is a straightforward way to shoplift expensive items from any store you find yourself. Remember, I made it clear that your target should be small items that you can hide without attracting attention.

So, first of all, I scout around for what would be my target expensive item. Most times, I go for watches because this strategy works well for watches. Once I find a watch that fits what I want, I move ahead to purchase its replica. BTW, you can also make money from selling replicas – so shoplifters would patronize you.

The next day I visit the store with a replica firmly strapped around my hand. Once I see the watch I need, I pretend to test out the original watch – after a while, I strap it out and make a quick exchange.

I finally replace the original watch with the replica and pretend as I came with the original watch.

Isn't it as simple as anything?

Refund Policy Scam

Like the first strategy to shoplift expensive items from a store, the refund policy scam almost works the same way.

This time around, you have to look out for stores that have a refund policy. Remember that your replica has to be the exact match of the original – if not, you get busted.

So once you pay for the item you want, you take it home. After a day, quickly call the sales rep and inform him/her that your item no longer works. Immediately head back to the store and present them the spoilt replica – most times, they don't bother to check – as they quickly replace it for you or refund you your money.

If they replace the item, you can quickly sell it off, and that is a perfect way to make money by stealing from stores.

Fake Check Strategy

In a bid to make a sale, most amateur sales reps would be tempted to accept a check. If you are away from the phony check strategy, this is one of the scam formats to dupe people.

Now you will write a check and make the amount smaller than the item amount you've bought. Then you go ahead to pay the balance from your pockets. This will create the illusion that the check is genuine.

If accepted, quickly take your item and move out as fast as possible. If rejected, try your luck somewhere else. Just make sure that what you are buying is super expensive that requires you to present a check.

P.S. Don't use your real name while filling out the check.

The Fake Bank Transfer

In some locations in the US, where bank transfers are used as means of payment, then should this work.

I have already outlined how to send fraudulent bank transfers, so the process should work out just as excellent as I have described.

The app for sending fraudulent bank transfers is free, while the other is quite expensive. So you can decide to go to any of them.

I would also want you to know that you should be as confident as ever while making payments with the bank transfer method. But once you suspect foul play, please move out as fast as you can to avoid getting embarrassed or even arrested.

The Distraction Model

Since you have an accomplice who would be your wingman, his job would be to distract the sales rep or the person monitoring you.

Just find anything to distract them from you, and that gives you ample opportunity to complete your assignment. Under no circumstance should he be connected to you. That would blow up your false cover and sell you away.

Crotch Walking

This shoplifting method is common among women. If you are a woman, it is your best shot to shoplift and not get caught.

How does crotch walking work? First, get a skirt or full dress to wear to the store. At the store, pick the item(s) you prefer, place it in-between your thighs, and then walk out of the shopping mall. If you have stronger thighs, you could shoplift even more oversized items such as electronics, gaming consoles, computers, baby diapers, hair extensions, etc.

Fitting Rooms

Fitting rooms is one of the most scientific ways to shoplift like a boss. It makes the salespersons look stupid while you make away with the items. Typically, fitting rooms work for shoplifting clothes only.

When you arrive at the store, you intend to shoplift, select the clothes you want and get into the fitting room. Switch the clothes and while in the room and leave your worn clothes with the store.

This method is also brilliant if you need to switch fakes with the original. For instance, if you need an original Gucci shirt, you can purchase a fake on eBay, Depop, etc. Wear the clothing to the store that you want to shoplift, get into the fitting room, and switch the fake with the original. Make sure to switch the labels from the fake Gucci to the original.

Store Stock

Have you ever heard of the store stock? It is similar to the distraction model, but it does not require having a partner. This shoplifting technique is best used in smaller stores with a few employees, typically 2-3 employees.

When you arrive at the store, pretend to be searching for an item you can't find. When the employee notices that you are still searching for an item, explain the item to them. While they search for the item, you can pick whatever you want to lift.


The coat method is similar to crotch walking, but any gender can perform this shoplifting trick.

The requirements for the coating method are oversized coats with slits in the pocket lining and a face cap. The reason for the face cap is to guard your face against the camera.

When nobody is looking in your direction, please pick up the item you need and stuff it in the coat lining pocket.

The disadvantage of this technique is that you can't shoplift larger items unless the pocket concealed in the lining is large enough.


The newspaperman way of shoplifting requires only the newspaper or a magazine. You would pretend to be reading interesting publications while keeping your eyes on the items to shoplift.

You may design a fake pocket inside the newspaper or magazine where you would drop the shoplifted item without it dropping off.

The Mysterious Umbrella

Have you an umbrella? If yes, it makes your shoplifting adventure even better. It is advisable to use the classic umbrella that is typically long in height. It would help if you also created a holder inside the umbrella to hold the umbrella from opening when loosened.


There are many other ways to shoplift expensive items and never get caught. But make sure you follow the process. Whether you aim to shoplift at Walmart or any different retail store, the process is simple and straightforward.

So keep the hustling going and make money by stealing from shops. No one would hold you down for that.

Read other articles to see different ways of making money illegally. Till next time, see you around. Bye!

Best Items To Shoplift And Resell


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